SECONDAID ZWEITEHILFE is a non-profit organization formed by the private initiative of partners in the U.S., Sri Lanka and Germany. We support the long-term recovery of small businesses that lost their livelihood in the tsunami and lack the often minimal funds to replace equipment and supplies. Our unbureaucratic and overhead-free aid has enabled fishermen, merchants, mechanics, tailors, and canteen owners to rebuild the lives of their families and their communities.
As of April 20, 2005 the generosity of our donors has allowed us to transfer $14,000 to our projects in Sri Lanka. We have received commitments for an additional $5,000.
Alternating show of drawings by children in Tangalle who expressed their experience of the tsunami. ...view enlarged
Projet Update - Trip to Sri Lanka
To date we have helped approximately 100 families in Moratuwa and Tangalle to resume their work. The list summarizes the types of businesses served and items provided to them as of late April. It also illustrates how little start-up capital many of the small businesses typically require.
During our visit in early April we met with our partners and many of the displaced families. Apparently, with our support in goods, more than 80% of the recipients in Moratuwa had resumed their work and were able to make a living of it. Good examples were two vendors of chickpea snacks and of ice cream who had lost their vehicles and were able to rebuild them. Tree fellers and carpenters also were busy ...read more about our visit and the effective work we’ve been able to do with your support.